Friday, May 18, 2007


I connect the dots of the golden city lights, and i form loneliness.
how can these terrestrial stars outshine my usually sunny disposition?

the cars skidding happily in the clear roads cause the heavy traffic of an emotion which i've never traversed for years.

how can lightness bring unbearable weight?
i flew while dragging someone's heart. i wounded the woman who has loved me unconditionally-- and the only one i have easily learned to love.

at this height, at this hour, behind shut windows, in this dark room, the view is serene.
i look at the starless sky.
i fly---
but I crash into the prison of a cage i myself made...

1 comment:

instasnaps malaysia said...

i just hate and love this poem (or whatever you might call it).

again, this was taken from my first blog site. the reason why i put it here is that i have no reason at all!

hehe seriously, this is one of my works which elicited quite emphatic responses from a few people, and especially the person to whom i made it for.

this work shows my rarely seen "heavy" character.